Walton Warriors becomes England Football Accredited

We've got Two Star England Football Accreditation, what is it?

Accreditation is an opportunity for The FA to recognise clubs that raise the bar and set the tempo for football to thrive in England. It is there to keep things accessible, sustainable and safe, helping us successfully run Walton Warriors off the pitch so that football is excellent on the pitch.

The basic level of accreditation means we offer male or female players an opportunity to access football in a well-run, high-quality, safe, sustainable environment. It means our infrastructure is sound, robust, efficient and effective. It centres around the Respect standards and behaviours needed to make football in England something we can all be proud of. 

To be a two-star Accredited club means we offer a complete accredited player pathway for male and female football within FA-sanctioned League competitions; see the graphic below.

Clubs must meet the following criteria to achieve affiliation:


  • Clubs must be affiliated with their local County FA
  • Offer a minimum of one team at any age group for male or female or disability playing in an FA sanctioned competition.
  • Have an in-date FA Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service Checks (DBS) for all relevant officials.
  • Have a Welfare Officer for Youth Clubs.
  • Safeguarding Committee Members course completed by Club committee members.
  • Evidence or adopt a set of Club rules and be a constituted Club.
  • Evidence or adopt the relevant Club safeguarding policies.
  • Evidence or adopt an equality policy.
  • Adopt The Football Leadership diversity code.
  • Adopt the Nationwide Respect codes of conduct and implement The FA  Respect activations relevant to your club.
  • Have a bank account in the club’s name.
  • Provide evidence of last season’s accounts.
  • Have a good disciplinary record within the Nationwide Respect disciplinary code.


It’s thanks to the dedication and passion of Walton Warriors volunteers that hundreds of players get their first taste of football and develop a lifelong passion for the beautiful game.

As an accredited Club, WE have positively changed the football landscape over the last 30 years, creating the ideal environment to nurture players, coaches and volunteers.

We know that players, coaches and volunteers in an accredited environment are likelier to stay in the game and develop a lifelong passion for it.

England Football Accredited exists to fuel that passion: to allow everyone to have fun, learn, grow and develop together.